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Amended MIOSHA Bloodborne Infectious Diseases Rules Available Now!
Amendments to the State of Michigan's Bloodborne Infectious Diseases Rules as approved by the MI Occupational Health Standards Commission are available below.
Amended rules went into effect on October 18, 2001.
Revisions have been made to adopt changes to the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard mandated by the Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act of 2000.

MI Dept of Community Health West Nile Virus Fact Sheet
There have been several reports of recovery of West Nile virus from dead birds in Michigan and the Midwest region in August and September of 2001. To date there have been no reports of WNV infection in the human population of Michigan but active surveillance is ongoing. The following fact sheet is useful for those needing additional information:

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC)/ Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee Infection Control Guidelines
CDC/National Institutes of Health(NIH) Biosafety in Microbiological & Biomedical Laboratories (BMBL), 4th ed, 1999
CDC Bioterrorism Preparedness &
Select CDC Documents Available for Downloading:
Vanaf één oktober 1998 was Viagra in Nederland in alle apotheken verkrijgbaar. De introductie van Viagra volgde op de toestemming van de Europese Commissie op 15 september 1998 om het geneesmiddel in Europa op de markt te brengen. br>To take control of infection, a sick person might need to buy antibiotics online on the internet. |